Field Trip

Although staying in the sweet mountain town of Pendamodi all month is a great option, there are many places to see on Crete, which stretches 160 miles in length, but only 45 miles in some places [...]

Food, Glorious Food

“Let Food be Thy Medicine and Medicine be Thy Food” said Hippocrates. Whether you lived 2700 years ago in the time of Hippocrates, or today in the time of James Beard, who said [...]


My two granddaughters, Megan and Lizzie, faced many challenges this last week. They camped for the first time, white-water rafted, explored caves, fished on lakes and rivers – and caught [...]

110 Year-Old You

Brian Johnson is a philosopher who has written a book on “optimal living, creating an authentically awesome life and other such goodness.” In one of his recent newsletters Brian talks [...]

Blown Out and Blown Away

Day 1 in the Black Canyon. I was blown away by the beauty of the cliffs, the raging water, the insect life, and the opportunities for fishing. We started out with a dry/dropper rig but quickly [...]

My Sister, Friend and Sign-maker

My sister and I went fly-fishing together for the first time and she caught a huge first fish – a 20 inch brown trout – for some people a fish of a lifetime. I had a photo of her up [...]